Throughout a baseball game, many different situations arise that would effect the way that a hitter would approach an at bat. Sometimes a hitter will need to bunt and be able to move the runner over. Other times the hitter just needs to hit the ball hard and into the outfield. Whatever the situation is, the hitter needs to be able to execute to give his team the best chance of victory.
Runners on 2nd and 3rd with less than 2 outs
In this situation, the hitter should try and drive the ball. Even if the hitter puts the ball in play on the ground it will get a run to score. Ideally the hitter would like to hite the ball to the right side of the field.
Runner on 3rd with less than 2 outs
In this situation, the hitter wants to drive the ball into the outfield. If they hit a fly ball, make sure it is deep enough in the outfield for the runner to tag and score from 3rd.
Runner on 2nd with less than 2 outs
In this situation, the batter wants to hit the ball to the right side of the field. This will be able to advance the runner to third or possibly score the runner.
Being able to help produce these runs should become second nature to the hitter. Whenever they have a chance to make a productive out, they should if they were not to get a hit. Being able to look at something and find a solution is called automaticity. Automaticity is overlearning information or operations to the point where they can be used with little mental effort. In this situation, this hitter should use very little thinking power and know what to do in certain situations.