Pitch recognition is key to the success of every hitter. Being able to recognize a pitch quicker will give the hitter more time to react to whatever pitch is coming.
To recognize the pitch, the hitters must focus in on a specific window where the pitcher releases the ball. Having the hitter focus solely on one area will allow them to use their sensory memory to help them gather all the information they can. Iconic memory which is the visual sensory memory holds information for about .5 seconds. That allows the hitter to remember the whole pitch.
On average a major league hitter will have .4 seconds total to react to the baseball and try to hit it. Within the first .1 seconds the hitter needs to be able to recognize what pitch is coming.
Between .1-.25 seconds after the pitch is thrown, the hitter needs to decide where the pitch is located and if they are going to swing at the pitch.
.25-.4 seconds after the pitch is released, the hitter needs to start his swing.